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Sea Dog Saves is a natural step for Sea Dog Inn Pet Resort to take after 26 years of supporting local rescue groups with low cost or free temporary housing for animals in their program.  Our motto for 26 years has been "There's always room at the Inn" when it comes to dogs and cats that find themselves in need of help.  Just last year when a local shelter needed to remodel their facility, Sea Dog Inn housed 60 of their dogs for 10 days absolutely free of charge.  

We have been approved for non-profit 501c3 status and look forward to increasing our ability to help homeless pets.  The mission is to help the dog rescue community by offering the facilities at Sea Dog Inn to temporarily house dogs until they can find a foster or an adoption.  Many of the shelters and private rescue groups do not have room to take in more needy dogs meaning they have limits on their ability to take dogs in unless they can find a foster.  We can help give them more capacity by offering the use of our underutilized buildings.

Sea Dog Saves only intakes pets currently in the control of a recognized pet rescue organization in the local area and only for brief periods while the organization works to find a permanent foster or an adoptive home. At any given time we may have as many as 15+ homeless pets staying with us while they wait transport to another state, local foster home or adoption.  ​​​​​

​​​In addition to providing temporary housing for pets in the rehoming process, Sea Dog Saves will also be able to provide grants to other rescue groups that apply for funding to assist with their expenses for medical and other care for animals they accept into their program.  Your tax deductible donations will not only help us provide much needed shelter, but enable needy animals to receive the other help they need to prepare for their second chance for a loving home.


We have established a PayPal link until we are able to set-up a donation process directly on this page as well as other social media platforms.   ​

Donate with PayPal

Check out our Sea Dog Saves Facebook page here.    

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